WelCome to Currency Converter Plus

Quickest currency converter on the market.

Easy To Use

Specially designed to be fast and easy to use. Works both online and offline!

Slick Design

High contrast design, simple layout and no agressive use of ads.

Always updated rates

Hourly updated rates for all currencies of the world. You can even enter your own rate if needed

Excellent Features

This premium class currency converter includes 171 currencies from all over the world with online updated conversion rates. Every single thing in this converter is created with top-level usability in mind.

All currencies of the world

We have included alll currencies of the world and keep the list up to date all the time. We have included also rates for Bitcoin, gold, silver, platinum and palladium.

Usability in mind

Our app works well both online and offline. Rates are updated daily and stored for offline use. You can even enter your own rate if needed.

Change money calculator

What makes this app special is that it comes with unique "Change money calculator" that helps you instantly calculate how much money you should get in return even when you did pay using 2 currencies.

Excellent Support

We don't have any chat robots to entertain you. If you have questions about our app - our CEO will answer your questions personally.

Download Currency Converter Plus Now

Download Currency Converter Plus Now! Its free!

App Reviews

Our app has been around for 10 years and has got amazingly good reviews every since we launched it. Today it is rated 4.7 which is incredibly high.

Our Awesome Team

This awsome app is created by a little creative team in Estonia.

Meelis Viiding


I have worked with financial systems since 2000 and started creating mobile apps right after Apple launched it's first iPhone. I came up with the mobile currency converter idea in 2010 right before Estonia changed its currency to Euro. Since that I have improved our app many times to be more and more user friendly, accurate and reliable!

Get In Touch

If you have any questions about how to use our app or find any problems using it, please let us know.

Kaspre Invest OÜ

Filosoofi 9/1-1 Tartu 50108, Estonia
